
#unitecloud is a grassroots, social media movement created to inspire change and improve the relationships among the people of St. Cloud. This site hosts our articles, but more can be found on Facebook at:

Our Mission Statement:

Tensions are high in the St Cloud community. 
Let’s start to see each other as individuals and set aside our differences 
to unite as a diverse community.

Who is your neighbor? LGBT, Muslim, Christians, Immigrants, Disabled, Homeless, Poor, Women, Whites, Blacks, and on and on. We all have biases. They influence how we treat each other. You don’t have to agree with your neighbor’s lifestyle to promote a culture of respect. Our commonality is based in our humanness.   

Please follow us on Facebook and find out what YOU can do to help out and make a change happen.

Hate+Hate=More Hate. 

*Questions are ok. Hate speech will be squashed.


Natalie Ringsmuth:
Natalie is a former music teacher turned worship leader, blogger, wife, & mother of three. She is a member of the STRIDE school board. Natalie has lived in the St. Cloud area since __________.
Website: www.thegreatesttreasure.wordpress.com

Kelly Meyer:
Kelly is a former nurse turned artist, blogger, wife, & mother to twin girls. She has lived in the St. Cloud area since 1998 when she relocated here from southwest MN to attend SCSU.
Website: www.holeysocksart.com