
*Is there a question you'd like to ask more personally?
We strive to break down misconceptions through education. There are no questions we aren't willing to tackle. Just ask! We promise not to shame if you promise to be open, honest, and respectful. We love a good dialogue. 

*Have a story that you would like to share?
By examining our similarities and shared experiences we believe we can create a better understanding of one another and build mutual respect. We want to help you share your story with others. Well, send us your stories! Have you been discriminated against? Have you seen someone treated badly based on cultural, racial or other visible differences? Did you speak up or just wish you would have? You don't have to be a writer- we are!

*Interested in writing an article or have an idea or a blog post?
Are you the leader of a community organization doing your part to inspire change & want to get the word out? Have something you are passionate about or an alternative perspective you'd like others to consider? Fancy yourself a writer and interested in contributing- just once or on a regular basis?

*Event coming up?
Is there an upcoming or ongoing event in the genre that you think people should be aware of? Let us know and we will share it on Facebook and do all we can to promote it. 

Please feel free to email us:

By taking small, everyday actions we can work to build a stronger community. Change happens first on an individual level. No need to be grandiose. Is there something you're already doing? Got an idea? We'd love to hear it.

What do we ask for in return? 

Share, SHARE, SHARE!  

Get the word out, folks. We are starting a revolution and we need YOU!